
Red rain in Kerala

The colored rain of Kerala first fell on 25 July 2001, in the districts of Kottayam and Idukki in the southern part of the state. Some reports suggested that other colors of rain were also seen. Many more occurrences of the red rain were reported over the following 10 days, and then with diminishing frequency until late September.
According to locals, the first colored rain was preceded by a loud thunderclap and flash of light, and followed by groves of trees shedding shriveled gray "burnt" leaves. Shriveled leaves and the disappearance and sudden formation of wells were also reported around the same time in the area, and are considered related incidents by residents.
The coloration of the rain was due to red particles in suspension in the rain water. When it fell, the red rain was at times as strongly coloured as blood. It typically fell over small areas, no more than a few square kilometres in size, and was sometimes so localised that normal rain could be falling just a few metres away from red rain. Red rainfalls typically lasted less than 20 minutes.
